This web page was produced as an assignment for Genetics 677, an undergraduate course at UW-Madison

Homology (nucleotide)

For general information on homologs of Sox9:  http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/homologene/294
Pan troglodytes (chimpanzee)
Gene name: SOX9
Accession number: NM_001009029

Canis lupus familaris (dog)
Gene name: SOX9
Accession number: NM_001002978

Mus musculus (mouse)
Gene name: SOX9
Accession number: NM_011448

Xenopus laevis (African clawed frog)
Gene name: sox9-b
Accession number: NM_001094473

Gallus gallus (chicken)
Gene name: SOX9
Accession number: NM_204281

Danio rerio (zebrafish)
Gene name: sox9a
Accession number: NM_131643

Homologous genes are genes that are conserved through evolution and are derived from a common ancestral gene. They tend to have functions in common, but sometimes functional divergence has occurred.
Sox9 is known to be primarily conserved from bony fish to humans, in sequence and function (GO). No sequence info is known for Chondrichthyes, but that information would be quite informative in the evolution of Sox9's role.  Sox9 also has (albeit weakly conserved) homologs in the invertebrate lineage, but its function seems to be either restricted to sex determination (i.e. Drosophila) or just is unknown (as in C. elegans).  Therefore the sequencing of the Chondrichthian lineage would give us important clues on when Sox9 got its function in chondrogenesis.

Organism Specific Databases on Sox9

Contact Information

Keaton J. Schuster
[email protected]
Date Page Last Updated: 5/16/2011